# san/no-multi-spaces

disallow multiple spaces

  • ⚙️ This rule is included in all of "plugin:san/strongly-recommended" and "plugin:san/recommended".
  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line (opens new window) can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

# 📖 Rule Details

This rule aims at removing multiple spaces in tags, which are not used for indentation.

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <div class="foo" style="{{bar}}" /> <i class="{{ isExpanded ? 'fa-angle-up' : 'fa-angle-down' }}" /> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <div class="foo" style = "{{bar}}" /> <i class="{{ isExpanded ? 'fa-angle-up' : '', !isExpanded ? 'fa-angle-down' : '', }}" /> </template>
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# 🔧 Options

  "san/no-multi-spaces": ["error", {
    "ignoreProperties": false
  • ignoreProperties ... whether or not objects' properties should be ignored. default false

# "ignoreProperties": true

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <i class="{{ isExpanded ? 'fa-angle-up' : '', !isExpanded ? 'fa-angle-down' : '', }}" /> </template>
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# 🔍 Implementation

Last Updated: 10/26/2021, 7:23:11 AM