# san/boolean-value

Enforce boolean attributes notation in template

  • ⚙️ This rule is included in "plugin:san/strongly-recommended".
  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line (opens new window) can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

# 📖 Rule Details

Enforce boolean attributes notation in template

# 🔧 Options

  "san/attribute-hyphenation": ["warn", "always" | "never", {
    "always" | "never": []

This rule takes two arguments. If the first argument is "always" then it warns whenever an attribute is missing its value. If "never" then it warns if an attribute has a true value. The default value of this option is "never".

The second argument is optional: if provided, it must be an object with a "never" property (if the first argument is "always"), or an "always" property (if the first argument is "never"). This property’s value must be an array of strings representing prop names.

# ["warn", "never"] (default)

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <x a on-click="fire('my-event')" /> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <x a="{{true}}" on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> </template>
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# ["warn", "never", {"always": ["c"]}]

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <x a c="{{false}}" on-click="fire('my-event')" /> <x a c="{{true}}" on-click="fire('my-event')" /> <x a="{{false}}" c="{{true}}" on-click="fire('my-event')" /> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <x a="{{true}}" c="{{true}}" on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> <x a="{{true}}" c="{{false}}" on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> </template>
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# ["warn", "always"]

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <x a="{{true}}" on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <x a on-click="fire('my-event')" /> </template>
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# ["warn", "always", {"never": ["c"]}]

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <x a="{{true}}" c on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <x a="{{true}}" c="{{true}}" on-click="fire('myEvent')" /> </template>
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# 🔍 Implementation

Last Updated: 10/26/2021, 7:23:11 AM