# Available rules

# Base Rules (Enabling Correct ESLint Parsing)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:vue/base"
Rule ID Description San Desc Schedule
vue/comment-directive (opens new window) support comment-directives in <template> 已完成
vue/experimental-script-setup-vars (opens new window) prevent variables defined in <script setup> to be marked as undefined
vue/jsx-uses-vars (opens new window) prevent variables used in JSX to be marked as unused

# Priority A: Essential (Error Prevention)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:vue/essential"
Rule ID Description San Desc Schedule
vue/custom-event-name-casing (opens new window) enforce custom event names always use "kebab-case" 已完成
vue/no-arrow-functions-in-watch (opens new window) disallow using arrow functions to define watcher 没有相关语法
vue/no-async-in-computed-properties (opens new window) disallow asynchronous actions in computed properties 已完成
vue/no-custom-modifiers-on-v-model (opens new window) disallow custom modifiers on v-model used on the component 没有相关语法
vue/no-dupe-keys (opens new window) disallow duplication of field names 待开发
vue/no-dupe-v-else-if (opens new window) disallow duplicate conditions in v-if / v-else-if chains 已完成
vue/no-duplicate-attributes (opens new window) disallow duplication of attributes 已完成
vue/no-multiple-template-root (opens new window) disallow adding multiple root nodes to the template 已完成
vue/no-mutating-props (opens new window) disallow mutation of component props 没有相关语法
vue/no-parsing-error (opens new window) disallow parsing errors in <template> 已完成
vue/no-reserved-keys (opens new window) disallow overwriting reserved keys 已完成
vue/initdata-in-component (opens new window) enforce component's data property to be a function 已完成
vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties (opens new window) disallow side effects in computed properties 已完成
vue/no-template-key (opens new window) disallow key attribute on <template> 已完成
vue/no-textarea-mustache (opens new window) disallow mustaches in <textarea> 已完成
vue/no-unused-components (opens new window) disallow registering components that are not used inside templates 已完成
vue/no-unused-vars (opens new window) disallow unused variable definitions of v-for directives or scope attributes 已完成
vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for (opens new window) disallow use v-if on the same element as v-for 已完成
vue/no-v-for-template-key (opens new window) disallow key attribute on <template v-for>
vue/no-v-model-argument (opens new window) disallow adding an argument to v-model used in custom component
vue/require-component-is (opens new window) require v-bind:is of <component> elements
vue/require-prop-type-constructor (opens new window) require prop type to be a constructor
vue/require-render-return (opens new window) enforce render function to always return value
vue/require-v-for-key (opens new window) require v-bind:key with v-for directives
vue/require-valid-default-prop (opens new window) enforce props default values to be valid
vue/return-in-computed-property (opens new window) enforce that a return statement is present in computed property 已完成
vue/use-v-on-exact (opens new window) enforce usage of exact modifier on v-on
vue/valid-template-root (opens new window) enforce valid template root 已完成
vue/valid-v-bind-sync (opens new window) enforce valid .sync modifier on v-bind directives
vue/valid-v-bind (opens new window) enforce valid v-bind directives
vue/valid-v-cloak (opens new window) enforce valid v-cloak directives
vue/valid-v-else-if (opens new window) enforce valid v-else-if directives san/valid-s-else-if 已完成
vue/valid-v-else (opens new window) enforce valid v-else directives san/valid-s-else 已完成
vue/valid-v-for (opens new window) enforce valid v-for directives san/valid-s-for 已完成
vue/valid-v-html (opens new window) enforce valid v-html directives san/valid-s-html
vue/valid-v-if (opens new window) enforce valid v-if directives san/valid-s-if 已完成
vue/valid-v-model (opens new window) enforce valid v-model directives
vue/valid-v-on (opens new window) enforce valid v-on directives san/valid-on 待开发
vue/valid-v-once (opens new window) enforce valid v-once directives
vue/valid-v-pre (opens new window) enforce valid v-pre directives
vue/valid-v-show (opens new window) enforce valid v-show directives 已完成
vue/valid-v-slot (opens new window) enforce valid v-slot directives
vue/valid-v-text (opens new window) enforce valid v-text directives

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:vue/strongly-recommended"
eRule ID Description San Desc Schedule
vue/attribute-hyphenation (opens new window) enforce attribute naming style on custom components in template 已完成
vue/component-definition-name-casing (opens new window) enforce specific casing for component definition name
vue/html-closing-bracket-newline (opens new window) require or disallow a line break before tag's closing brackets 已完成
vue/html-closing-bracket-spacing (opens new window) require or disallow a space before tag's closing brackets 已完成
vue/html-end-tags (opens new window) enforce end tag style 已完成
vue/html-indent (opens new window) enforce consistent indentation in <template> 已完成
vue/html-quotes (opens new window) enforce quotes style of HTML attributes 已完成
vue/html-self-closing (opens new window) enforce self-closing style 已完成
vue/max-attributes-per-line (opens new window) enforce the maximum number of attributes per line 已完成
vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline (opens new window) require a line break before and after the contents of a multiline element 已完成
vue/mustache-interpolation-spacing (opens new window) enforce unified spacing in mustache interpolations 已完成
vue/no-multi-spaces (opens new window) disallow multiple spaces 已完成
vue/no-spaces-around-equal-signs-in-attribute (opens new window) disallow spaces around equal signs in attribute 已完成
vue/no-template-shadow (opens new window) disallow variable declarations from shadowing variables declared in the outer scope 已完成
vue/one-component-per-file (opens new window) enforce that each component should be in its own file 已完成
vue/prop-name-casing (opens new window) enforce specific casing for the Prop name in Vue components prop
vue/require-default-prop (opens new window) require default value for props
vue/require-prop-types (opens new window) require type definitions in props
vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline (opens new window) require a line break before and after the contents of a singleline element 已完成
vue/v-bind-style (opens new window) enforce v-bind directive style
vue/v-on-style (opens new window) enforce v-on directive style v-on 与 @
vue/v-slot-style (opens new window) enforce v-slot directive style

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:vue/recommended"
Rule ID Description San Desc Sechdule
vue/attributes-order (opens new window) enforce order of attributes 已完成
vue/component-tags-order (opens new window) enforce order of component top-level elements 已完成
vue/no-lone-template (opens new window) disallow unnecessary <template> 已完成
vue/no-multiple-slot-args (opens new window) disallow to pass multiple arguments to scoped slots
vue/no-v-html (opens new window) disallow use of v-html to prevent XSS attack
vue/order-in-components (opens new window) enforce order of properties in components 已完成
vue/this-in-template (opens new window) disallow usage of this in template 已完成

# Uncategorized

No preset enables the rules in this category. Please enable each rule if you want.

For example:

  "rules": {
    "vue/component-name-in-template-casing": "error"
Rule ID Description San Desc Schedule
vue/component-name-in-template-casing (opens new window) enforce specific casing for the component naming style in template
vue/html-comment-content-newline (opens new window) enforce unified line brake in HTML comments
vue/html-comment-content-spacing (opens new window) enforce unified spacing in HTML comments
vue/html-comment-indent (opens new window) enforce consistent indentation in HTML comments
vue/match-component-file-name (opens new window) require component name property to match its file name
vue/no-bare-strings-in-template (opens new window) disallow the use of bare strings in <template>
vue/no-boolean-default (opens new window) disallow boolean defaults
vue/no-duplicate-attr-inheritance (opens new window) enforce inheritAttrs to be set to false when using v-bind="$attrs"
vue/no-empty-component-block (opens new window) disallow the <template> <script> <style> block to be empty
vue/no-multiple-objects-in-class (opens new window) disallow to pass multiple objects into array to class
vue/no-potential-component-option-typo (opens new window) disallow a potential typo in your component property
vue/no-reserved-component-names (opens new window) disallow the use of reserved names in component definitions
vue/no-restricted-component-options (opens new window) disallow specific component option
vue/no-restricted-static-attribute (opens new window) disallow specific attribute
vue/no-restricted-v-bind (opens new window) disallow specific argument in v-bind
vue/no-static-inline-styles (opens new window) disallow static inline style attributes
vue/no-template-target-blank (opens new window) disallow target="_blank" attribute without rel="noopener noreferrer"
vue/no-unregistered-components (opens new window) disallow using components that are not registered inside templates
vue/no-unsupported-features (opens new window) disallow unsupported Vue.js syntax on the specified version
vue/no-unused-properties (opens new window) disallow unused properties
vue/no-useless-mustaches (opens new window) disallow unnecessary mustache interpolations
vue/no-useless-v-bind (opens new window) disallow unnecessary v-bind directives
vue/padding-line-between-blocks (opens new window) require or disallow padding lines between blocks
vue/require-direct-export (opens new window) require the component to be directly exported
vue/require-name-property (opens new window) require a name property in Vue components
vue/script-indent (opens new window) enforce consistent indentation in <script>
vue/sort-keys (opens new window) enforce sort-keys in a manner that is compatible with order-in-components
vue/static-class-names-order (opens new window) enforce static class names order
vue/v-for-delimiter-style (opens new window) enforce v-for directive's delimiter style
vue/v-on-function-call (opens new window) enforce or forbid parentheses after method calls without arguments in v-on directives

# Extension Rules

The following rules extend the rules provided by ESLint itself and apply them to the expressions in the <template>.

Rule ID Description San Desc Sechdule
vue/array-bracket-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets Baidu
vue/arrow-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing before and after the arrow in arrow functions Baidu
vue/block-spacing (opens new window) disallow or enforce spaces inside of blocks after opening block and before Baidu
vue/brace-style (opens new window) enforce consistent brace style for blocks Baidu
vue/camelcase (opens new window) enforce camelcase naming convention Baidu
vue/comma-dangle (opens new window) require or disallow trailing commas Baidu
vue/comma-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing before and after commas Baidu
vue/comma-style (opens new window) enforce consistent comma style Baidu
vue/dot-location (opens new window) enforce consistent newlines before and after dots Baidu
vue/dot-notation (opens new window) enforce dot notation whenever possible Baidu
vue/eqeqeq (opens new window) require the use of === and !== Baidu
vue/func-call-spacing (opens new window) require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their Baidu
vue/key-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties Baidu
vue/keyword-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords Baidu
vue/max-len (opens new window) enforce a maximum line length Baidu
vue/no-empty-pattern (opens new window) disallow empty destructuring patterns Baidu
vue/no-extra-parens (opens new window) disallow unnecessary parentheses Baidu
vue/no-irregular-whitespace (opens new window) disallow irregular whitespace Baidu
vue/no-restricted-syntax (opens new window) disallow specified syntax Baidu
vue/no-sparse-arrays (opens new window) disallow sparse arrays Baidu
vue/no-useless-concat (opens new window) disallow unnecessary concatenation of literals or template literals Baidu
vue/object-curly-newline (opens new window) enforce consistent line breaks inside braces Baidu
vue/object-curly-spacing (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing inside braces Baidu
vue/object-property-newline (opens new window) enforce placing object properties on separate lines Baidu
vue/operator-linebreak (opens new window) enforce consistent linebreak style for operators Baidu
vue/prefer-template (opens new window) require template literals instead of string concatenation Baidu
vue/space-in-parens (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing inside parentheses Baidu
vue/space-infix-ops (opens new window) require spacing around infix operators Baidu
vue/space-unary-ops (opens new window) enforce consistent spacing before or after unary operators Baidu
vue/template-curly-spacing (opens new window) require or disallow spacing around embedded expressions of Baidu

# Deprecated

  • ⚠️ We're going to remove deprecated rules in the next major release. Please migrate to successor/new rules.
  • 😇 We don't fix bugs which are in deprecated rules since we don't have enough resources.
Rule ID Replaced by San Desc Schedule
vue/name-property-casing (opens new window) vue/component-definition-name-casing (opens new window)
vue/no-confusing-v-for-v-if (opens new window) vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for (opens new window)